Wednesday 26 November 2014

Enrique's Text on Subliminal Advertising

The subliminal advertising

There are several forms of subliminal advertising. The most well known type involves hidden images, like paintings of Joe Camel where the background and his cigarette's smoke trail form the word "sex."

Similarly, you have instances of the "Fight Club" variety, where very brief glimpses of images are edited into a moving picture (movies, TV, etc.).
Perhaps the least known of (yet most often used these days) is an appeal to your "reptilian brain," or basal ganglia, the part of your 'noggin' responsible for various instinctive emotional responses (fight or flight).

This is commonly used by mainstream news media outlets such as Fox News and CNN. It could be exemplify by regular attempts to cause fear or anger through "Amber Alerts," "Terror Watch," "Financial Crisis" and the like. This is done in part to drive up sales from advertisers pushing goods/services intended to soothe you.

Think: news-blah-blah-FEAR-FEAR-FEAR (commercial break) "take [insert drug here] to give you a good night's rest."


1. True or false

a) Hiding images is not a method of subliminal advertising.

b) The fight club ain't a system of subliminal advertising.

2. Open questions

a) Who use the reptilian brain mode?

b) What types of examples that are used in the reptilian brain?

3. Synonyms

a) Common (paragraph 2):

b) Unseen (paragraph 1):

c) Adman (paragraph 3):

d) Represent (paragraph 3): 


  1. Good job Enrique, your text is very original and I liked especially the part of the
    reptilian brain, very interesting

  2. Hi Enrique! your text was so interesting because I think it talks about an original topic, that we've never seen on the blog and about things that when we see the nowadays advertisings we don´t focus on them, like the hidden images, such as the image of Johnny Deep with the icon of Adidas on his headscarf.
    Well done Enrique!

  3. Enrique Chillón Bartol2 December 2014 at 18:10

    Thanks for your coments. I'm glad you like my text.

  4. I like this article very much because, I think, like Marcos that it is an original topic. I now too a little about this topic because Adolfo, one primary teacher, told me in the past about a fale like that in Star Wars.
    I really like this text GOOD JOB Enrique!

  5. I like so much this article��because is not the same topic, that talk about the things that happened or are happening now.
    I like so much the first picture of Johnny Deep��because I saw almost everything of his films and I haven´t seen that mistake, I am really surprised��.
    Well done Enrique��✅.

  6. Claudia del Cerro3 December 2014 at 22:35

    Hi Enrique! I think that your text is so interesting, because the topicis very curious,and original because i think that nobody haden `t occur the idea to talk about subliminal advertesing
    GOOD JOB!!

  7. Enrique excelent job is a very interesting text because I like very much this topic because is very original that said carmona

  8. Carlos Evangelista4 December 2014 at 18:51

    HI Enrique!

    I have enjoyed this text because i like this topic and is very interesting. It talks about the Subliminal Advertising and his types and examples. I think as Sergio, Marcos and Miguel that is very original text. I didn´t know that type of advertising, but now yes.

    VERY GOOD JOB ENRIQUE!!!!!!!!! :)

  9. Patricia De Mateo:)4 December 2014 at 18:54

    Hi! I enjoyed this text because I had no idea what was the subliminal advertising, now I know. Of course, I have found it very interesting and curious at the same time because I couldn´t imagine a text with this topic. I repeat over and over again I LOVE IT!

  10. HII GUYS!
    I think this articule is very interesting.I had seen some of these hidden messages,such as Coke,which seems to be a racist message.I liked it so much. good job enriquee!

  11. Eduardo Rodriguez4 December 2014 at 22:25

    I don´t like the text because I don´t understand it very well but I think that it´s an original topic.

  12. oh this text is fantastic the topic was excellent and i like the brands on the films or tihings on TV .it was a really great text congratulations
    Enrique!!!!!great job
